Friday, March 19, 2010

Then & now

Hi everyone,
Aisling was three months old actual age on Tuesday (1 1/2 weeks adjusted). Here are some "Then and Now" pics.
Well her eye exam went super well on Tuesday, she will not have another eye exam until September and it will be with the pediatric opthamologist to check on her vision. Her ultrasounds went well on Thursday, aside from all of the screaming and her hip and spine are good!!!! So, all in all a good week, aside from reflux rearing its ugly head.
By the way at her last ped appointment she was 6lbs 7 oz. Yipeeeeeee
Bye for now,
Ger, Chuck, & baby Aisling

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hi everyone,

This post is coming much later than anticipated, but as you can imagine we have been occupied with a few other things!
Where to start? Aisling has had two follow up doctors appointments since being discharged on the 24th. Both went well, she had gained weight within two days of discharge, so we were both very relieved by that. She also had another eye exam and for now there is no progress, so we return in less than two weeks, but the doctor seemed optimistic that the ROP would resolve on its own. Lots of you were curious about ROP, so what do I know about ROP; this is why Stevie Wonder is blind and it involves the blood vessels growing incorrectly in the eyes. Aisling was really brave, but it is not a fun exam, despite the kind people at the eye clinic and she screamed for the duration, but was fine immediately afterwards.
We return next week to her pediatrician and she will also get her last synagis shot, which is for RSV. At her doctors appointment people were oohing and aahing (from a distance, I was on guard duty) about the tiny newborn baby. We let them think that...yes, she is small, but a tough cookie.
Well, we don't have any kind of a routine done at this point, other than she cries and we come running :-) We are trying to follow "The Happiest Baby on the Block" school of thought, or at least our own unique interpretation of it! She doesn't seem to enjoy baths and is okay with tummy time. Her favorite activity is rocking in mommy or daddy's arms (mostly at 3am!).

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!

Chuck and Geraldine