Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hi Everyone

Wow, it has been quite some time since we updated. We have received some texts and emails so here goes...we have been very busy doing what I am not sure...we are in a first time parents fog...

Aisling has been busy with NICU follow up appointments, seeing her pediatrician, and meeting with EI (Early Intervention). First, I have to say we adore her pediatrician, big shout out to Dr. J Hupert (UIC) for being such a caring and kind doctor and checking in on her well being and keeping in constant communication with us. He is happy with her growth, as of yesterday she is 8lbs 14 oz; her growth curve is more like a rocket taking off according to Dr. Hupert, I suppose when you come into the world at 1lb 10.8oz that may not be too difficult, but so many preemie babies struggle with gaining weight, especially IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) babies, so we are extremely happy and pray for this to continue.
We also had her first follow up appointment with the neo's at UIC and she was seen by our favorite NICU doctor Dr. Rekha Bandapalli. Her first follow up appointment went very well and the PT's also evaluated her and we were thrilled with her scoring in the 50th percentile for her adjusted age.
The EI team (PT, OT, Speech, and Developmental Specialist) has come out and as of right now she does not need any services, once again we are ecstatic, but Chuck and I believe in taking the bull firmly by the horns and dealing with any issues Aisling may have due to her prematurity. So far so good though! We will meet with the EI team again in June, as well as have another NICU follow up.
We are still battling Reflux, but are hopeful that the new medicine will be the "one". If anyone has any advice we are open to suggestions.
We are also having fun at home with tummy time ;-) and wearing our little girl. Aisling loves to be held constantly, so slings (safe ones of course, peanut shells) and our Beco have become our best friends. We are also having fun going on walks with her two boyfriends, the adorable twins from our building ;-) We are getting great smiles from Aisling and she loves her favorite black and white rattle, though she is still fascinated by lighting fixtures. We also had fun celebrating our first holiday together at home over Easter, in fact it has been the first holiday we have had the energy to acknowledge since her birth.
I am still going to PT, my knee is improving, but we still have a little way to go and it will probably be a year before I am 100% recovered. My medicines have finally been stabilized, so I will only have to have my levels checked every two weeks as long as they remain stable. Yipeeee At some point in the next few months I will go for more tests to check on the PE, but for right now I feel really good and I thankful that things are going so well.
As for Chuck...well those of you who know him, are probably aware that he LOVES being a dad; tummy time, night time feeds, walks, babywearing, he excels at them all.

Bye for now,
Ger, Chuck, and baby Aisling