Sunday, June 27, 2010


We have been busy enjoying the summer and each other! First off, Aisling is sooo close to 12lbs, just an ounce off, yipeee. Our big news is we just had our second NICU follow-up. This time they administered the Bayley Scales of Infant Development to assess her development. Aisling did very well, scoring above average on her testing for her adjusted age of close to four months old. She is continuing to learn new "tricks" everyday; she enjoys rolling from her tummy to her back, but still dislikes tummy time intensely. We had fun celebrating Father's Day; brunch at Misercordia was a huge success; Aisling was really the star of the show; she loves people and is very social. She had a chance to bond with Auntie E, though bested her on going to bed while Chuck and I went out to dinner.
On the other hand, we are still grappling with reflux. We have been trying to make some changes, but reflux has reared it's very ugly head, so we continue to work with her pedi and try to make it easier for her.